What's New
This page will list the updates for the past
month (or so). There is no set update schedule, but I will
update the page as I find and receive more information, links,
and what-not.
August 5, 2008
We're BACK!!! Ten years - yes TEN years since the last update. One individual complaining led me to take down this site, and then I gradually moved on to other interests. Well, we're back - and I know that the site is going to need a lot of work to get back up to snuff. So much has been published in the last 10 years on odd German armor - so many kits released - it just boggles the mind. I look forward to adding more info to the site as time goes on!
June 30, 1998
Special thanks (tanks?) this time goes out to everyone who has
linked my site over the past few days. The traffic here at Technical
Virtue has more than doubled over the last week.
June 8, 1998
May 5, 1998
Ok, no new material, but I have done some housekeeping.
You'll now notice that the LED indicates which section you're in, not
what's been updated (nifty, huh?). Also all of the "Back to Main Page"
links (which weren't set-up for frames and we made obsolete because of
the "Home" button) have been removed. If you happen to find one of these
errant links lying around... please e.mail me. More vehicles later this
May 4, 1998
Whew! Short update this time, but I've got a few more
vehicles in the pipeline. As you can see I've added the "home" button to
the menubar. I'm slowly deleting the "back to Main page" from the bottom
of all of the sections... It'll take a while.
April 28, 1999
Ok, first off, the rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. Now, as to why no update for so long. There are two primary reasons for this: The bottom line is I need more time and material, and it is a lot easier to make the time if I have submissions from the readership to add to the page. If it's unusual and German, send me a photo or a scanned image. Got a picture of an Elefant, Ferdinand, Jagdtiger, Porsche-suspensioned Jagdtiger? Any of the self-propelled gun modifications of other chassis work as well. If you want to write an article to add, go for it. I my opinion, some of the strongest features on the site have not been written by me. We now return you to your regularly scheduled web-browsing. December 2, 1998
October 20, 1998 I've run into a major snag... check out the Message Center
for more details...
October 7, 1998 Yep, you guessed it... I'm still digging out. Long hours at
work are not condusive to web-page updates. Lots of stuff in the queue though! September 23, 1998 I've got about three more vehicles to add, wanted to get
them all done tonight, but ran out of time... September 3, 1998 September 2, 1998 August 22, 1998 August 21, 1998 The pictures I'd taken to add to the page came out too dark to use. I've
retaken the pictures and hope to have them ready to add to the page next week.
August 5, 1998 August 4, 1998 July 20, 1998 July 18, 1998 July 14, 1998 July 13, 1998 June 29, 1998 June 25, 1998 This is the first update of the new page.
The old site on GeoCities will remain until the middle of July or so
(to give enough people time to catch the forwarding address), but it
will not be updated. June 20, 1998
Because of the new "Watermark" policy of GeoCities (and as it is
only the latest in a long series of invasive advertising techniquies
attempted by GeoCities), the page has now been moved here to tripod.
All 190+ files were moved intact, and the subdirectory structure of
the original page was recreated without any problems. The only unfortunate
side-effect is that the counter (which was at 12,500+) cannot be set to
its former level. Thank you for your continued support of Technical
Virtue. Stay tuned this week, as I plan on adding at least four more
vehicles in a new section. June 14, 1998 June 9, 1998 May 24, 1998
image has returned. The old version had a
white (rather than transparent) background. The new one has a transparent background (oh the wonders
of shareware!).